Parlarne tra amici: le prime foto della serie tratta dal romanzo di Sally Rooney

Dopo Normal People, arriva una nuova serie firmata BBC

Non tutti ne sono a conoscenza, ma Sally Rooney ha pubblicato il romanzo di Normal People dopo Parlarne tra amici. Prima della struggente storia d’amore tra due giovani ragazzi irlandesi, l’autrice ha raccontato di un triangolo amoroso, o meglio, di un quadrato con un lato mancante. Il romanzo infatti, si incentra sul complicato rapporto tra quattro amici. Frances, è una studentessa universitaria di 21 anni alle prese con le proprie insicurezze e aspirazioni. Assieme a Bobbi (nella serie Sasha Lane) sua amica ed ex amante – molto più diretta e sicura di sé – si esibiscono in delle performance poetiche a Dublino.

Sono inseparabili fino a quando, durante uno dei loro spettacoli, non incontrano Melissa (Jemima Kirke), una scrittrice più matura, che, affascinata dalla coppia, presenta alle ragazze anche suo marito Nick, un attraente attore (Joe Alwyn). Una storia davvero intrigante, e visto che la BBC è riuscita magistralmente con l‘adattamento seriale del best-seller di Rooney, ora c’è davvero molto fermento per l’arrivo della serie tratta dal romanzo pubblicato nel 2017. Il debutto è previsto nella primavera 2022 e, nell’attesa, sono state condivise nuove foto ufficiali. La serie avrà come protagonista l’esordiente Alison Oliver, al centro del progetto, composto da dodici puntate, che cercherà di replicare il successo ottenuto da Normal People. Ecco le foto.

Conversations with Friends(Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)

Conversations with Friends (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)

Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Melissa (Jemima Kirke) and Bobbi (Sasha Lane), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Bobbi (Sasha Lane), Nick (Joe Alwyn), Frances (Alison Oliver), and Melissa (Jemima Kirke), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Bobbi (Sasha Lane) and Frances (Alison Oliver), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Melissa (Jemima Kirke), Bobbi (Sasha Lane), Frances (Alison Oliver), and Nick (Joe Alwyn), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)Conversations with Friends -- “Conversations with Friends” follows Frances, a 21 year old college student, as she navigates a series of relationships that force her to confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time. Frances is observant, cerebral and sharp. Her ex-girlfriend, now best friend, Bobbi is self-assured, outspoken and compelling. Though they broke up three years ago, Frances and Bobbi are virtually inseparable and perform spoken word poetry together in Dublin. It’s at one of their shows that they meet Melissa, an older writer, who is fascinated by the pair. Bobbi and Frances start to spend time with Melissa and her husband, Nick, a handsome but reserved actor. While Melissa and Bobbi flirt with each other openly, Nick and Frances embark on an intense secret affair that is surprising to them both. Soon the affair begins to test the bond between Frances and Bobbi, forcing Frances to reconsider her sense of self, and the friendship she holds so dear. Frances (Alison Oliver), shown. (Photo by: Enda Bowe/Hulu)

Parlarne tra amici: le prime foto della serie tratta dal romanzo di Sally Rooney

Lenny Abrahamson (Room) è il regista principale, mentre Alice Birch ha scritto la sceneggiatura del libro insieme a Mark O’Halloran. Normal People, con Daisy Edgar-Jones e Paul Mescal, ha affascinato milioni di spettatori in tutto il mondo e ha ottenuto importanti nomination sia agli Emmy che ai BAFTA. Il cofondatore di Element Pictures (la casa di produzione dietro la serie tv), Ed Guiney, ha dichiarato:

La realizzazione di Normal People ha sbloccato il modo corretto di adattare Parlarne tra amici. La storia è stata raccontata meglio in una forma più lunga, che ti permetta di convivere correttamente con i personaggi e capire le loro scelte.

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